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Have Your Say — Name Selection for the New Municipality

At the first meeting of the new municipal council of the merged municipalities of Tálkna­fjarð­ar­hreppur and Vest­ur­byggð, it was decided to conduct a survey among resi­dents regar­ding the name of the new municipality. The names to choose from are Barðs­byggð, Kóps­byggð, Látra­byggð, Suður­fjarða­byggð, Tálkna­byggð, and Vest­ur­byggð.

Skrifað: 14. júní 2024


The survey will be conducted online at betraisland.is and will be open from June 11 to June 17. The results will be considered by the municipal council when deciding on the name for the merged municipality of Tálknafjarðarhreppur and Vesturbyggð.

All residents with legal residence in the municipality who will turn 16 this year or are older are eligible to vote.

Here is the link to the survey.